Majestic Mahood Pt. 2 : Canim and Mahood Falls

On Saturday morning, we were greeted by a bluebird day! 

We ate a later breakfast, and by 9:30 am, we were on our bikes making the 5km ride to what was marked the Canim Falls and Mahood Falls Trails.

Half of this trip was an uphill ride. If it wasn’t for the beef jerky I was bribing Jax with, I think he would have tapped out and made me take the pickup truck.

After around 50 minutes, we were at our destination: the trail head to the two sets of waterfalls. We stashed our bikes in the trees. The thunder of the falls could be heard from the road, which was a ½ km hike to the closest set. How frigging big were these things? 

We eagerly speed-walked up the trail. Huge rock bluffs were visible from the trail that, alone, would have been worth the short hike in. The thunder of the falls was constantly growing louder. 

We came to the viewpoint of the first set—the Mahood Falls.  We looked across the canyon at them, but these things were huge!

I managed to snap a few photos, but the very sight of these things was like giving Jax a straight shot of Taurine, and he was eagerly yelling, “Hurry up daddy! Can you hear them? They gotta be bigger!” 

Jax got to the fence first, and at instantly started squealing. We had reached Canim Falls and they were spectacular, to put it lightly. A scene straight out of British Columbia Magazine; the river-split creating two waterfalls side by side, the light shining just right, gleaming a huge rainbow at the bottom. It was a truly jaw-dropping vista. 

There was a group already viewing the falls—but only four adults and a small toddler. These incredible falls were not swarming with camera-bearing tourists. It seemed too good to be true!

Jax noticed a trail that led towards the top of the falls, so we were on the move again.  Within minutes we were on the very top, standing on a flat rock, looking over the edge and back towards the view point we had just came from.

We hung out taking all of this in, and then headed back to our bikes which led us on a thrilling down-hill coast back to our campsite.

Then, it was straight into shorts, then right into swim trunks and a quick dip in the lake before lunch.         

Adventure Tips

  • Watch the weather:  Try to plan any hikes when the temperature is cooler—especially when hiking with littles. The same goes for cooler rainy temperatures: pack proper clothing for the day’s weather and remember to dress in layers.
  • Make lots of noise:  Although it’s easy to forget, remember to be bear-aware. Make lots of noise to ensure they hear you long before you get there.  Consider going to your local sporting goods store and pick up some bear-spray.
  • Mosquito repellent: Don’t forget your “Cariboo Cologne.” The bugs can be barbaric, especially in early summer months. Bug spray can be the saviour on even the shortest of adventures.
  • Sunscreen and headwear: Many people remember to lather the sunscreen on a hot day but a proper hat will help immensely against the effects of heat stroke, as well as it helps keep your bug-spray-soaked sweat from running in your eyes!
  • Water: Stay hydrated!


On Key

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